Friday, August 13, 2010

Guy From Star Wars Celebration V

First of all Star Wars Celebration V (which I will explain later) was probably the coolest thing I have ever been to in my entire life!  I have a lot of footage and photos that I need to post, but since I am just working off my laptop I don’t have much video editing ability.  Once I get back to school I can start using my desktop again and really get some work done.  However, at one of the panels I went to “Models of the Empire” (which I will also explain more later) they had a Q&A at the end.  After the show the fan who asked the first question (which was a great question by the way, and probably the question I would have asked) came up to me and asked if I filmed his question.  Unfortunately, I forgot his name (sorry!) but I gave him my website so hopefully he will find this video to enjoy with all his friends!  Thanks for asking such a great question fellow Star Wars fan!  


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