Tuesday, July 13, 2010


For those of you who don’t know Xbox 360 is coming out with a new device called Kinect.  Kinect captures the fun of playing with Wii, the power of the Xbox 360, and the full functionality of the Xbox 360.  Kinect differs from the Wii in that instead of a controller to hold Kinect tracks all of your body movements as well as your voice.  To learn more visit http://www.xbox.com/en-US/kinect.  So here is my game pitch hopefully somebody reads this and takes the idea!  That’s right I don’t even want any money for it I just want to see it be made into a game!


Abstract:  The fun of Photo-Dojo meets the massive community of the Xbox 360.  With Kinect the player has even more opportunities to make his or her own ultimate, personal fighter, and Xbox Live allows the player to bring his or her character to the world. 

Description: Kinect-A-Fighter follows the simple formula of Photo-Dojo, but the fun factor is multiplied exponentially with the power of the 360 and Kinect. 
Customize: The player will be able to completely customize all of his or her own player’s moves, and with Kinect he or she can have full range of motion as opposed to the limited picture based movements in Photo-Dojo.  With Kinect the player will create attacks, blocks, combos, items, taunts, celebrations, and finishing moves all fully rendered with Kinect.  Once a fighter is completed he or she will have the ability to bring the fight to Xbox Live and fight against other players.  While the creation of the fighter would fully involve the power of Kinect the actual fighting would be done online with the classic 360 controller.  This would allow the player to map each one of his or her own custom moves to a corresponding button on the 360 controller.  In the creation mode there would be two options a pro creator which allows for complete customization, or an aided creator which would help guide the player through the process. 

Fight:  Once a fighter is completed the player would bring his or her fighter online where they could choose random opponents based on skill level or challenge his or her own friends.  Players would also have the ability to “call out” another player with customized smack talk.  The other player would have the option to simply ignore, to publicly reject the challenge, or to accept the challenge.  Fights like these would use a format similar to EA Sports Live Broadcast where friends of the fighters could watch the match and place virtual bets.

Network:  Wins and losses of all matches would be recorded as well as points and challenges issued and challenges received.  Players would have the ability to access all of this information online as well as the ability to issue challenges on Facebook and Twitter.  Post match players would have the ability to enter a highlight creator mode which would allow players to edit the fight for highlights add voiceovers to the clips and then to publish on YouTube.     

Conclusion: Kinect-A-Fighter would be a great way to show the power of Kinect, and it would appeal to both the Hardcore and Causal market.  With its connection to the major social media networks this game would always been in the mind of the gamer, and gamers would race home to answer the challenge of an opponent.  Thanks to the power of Kinect this game would be unique to the Xbox 360, and would help to sell the Kinect to the Hardcore crowd while giving the casual audience a fun reason to continue playing on Kinect. 



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