Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shake Weight Challenge!!

So yesterday Evan White of IWearYourShirt took it upon himself to use his shake weight for the entire show, that’s one whole hour.  Cody Strawn, @HeyIamCody on twitter, offered to take the show and speed it up for a You Tube video for $25.  Jokingly I offered to do it for $30, so Evan decided that he would pay one person for who ever made the best video.  The best video is determined by the amount of comments the videos have.  So I ask, please watch the video and leave a comment.  This is by far the most amount of editing I have done on a video, and close to the longest I have worked on any video as all together it took about 11 hours!  Quite a bit of this time was transferring the files between my laptop and desktop as I have a very inefficient system for editing videos, but it works.  I hope you enjoy the video, and expect a making of video of how I made Evan’s video in the near future.


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