Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Focus More, Do Less

If you have not heard of this phrase than you need to check out www.JasonSadler.com, and learn from the master of what the phrase truly means.  As you all had better know by now I am applying to be a shirt wearer for Iwearyourshirt.com in 2011.  I was trying to think of ways to show Jason just how ready I was for the job, so I began making a YouTube video everyday and doing a live show every day as well on Ustream.  My original goal was to show Jason that I would be a great shirt wearer by going ahead and wearing shirts every day.  However, if you think about when you go apply for a job doing that job for free isn’t the best way to get your boss to hire you.  I just want to keep it fun, and by providing less frequent content I can focus more on what I do, and provide everyone with more enjoyable content.  So let me know what you think in the comments below!  And check back to see what I will be working on in the future! 


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