Thursday, December 2, 2010

Recycle Tee Shirt - See I Buy This Stuff!

So, here is the recycle t shirt mentioned in a previous post that I got as part of my major ($50 + Shipping) 5 dollar tee shirt deal from

Why sure, I make a commission if you click on the links all over this blog and buy something .... and by 2015 I may have even gotten you to buy enough stuff to cover this purchase - but I do have to shell out my own hard earned dough to actually get stuff into my wardrobe ... and I'm a cheap SOB. That why the buy 10 for 5 bucks each deal at is sooooo appealing.

And, if you are on my Christmas list .... yup, you are getting another t-shirt this year. Still plenty of time to get some for your Christmas gifts as well. Lots of designs and different colors of shirts to choose from. If you are like me, you'll put it in a big box ... but if your not, well, then you can probably ball up one of these babies into a small enough wad to cram it into a stocking.

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