Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Social Network

        So I just saw the movie The Social Network today during a special advanced showing at UF to an audience of about two hundred.  First here is the background of where my head was at prior to seeing the movie.  I saw it with my older brother, his girlfriend, and two friends of theirs, and I had waited in line for over two hours to see the movie.  So it was safe to say that I was expecting a lot from the movie.  For me I believed the movie completely delivered. 

Not to go into too much plot (however there wasn’t any type of disclaimer saying this was based off of true events so it all could have been made up but I don’t think so) but the movie follows along two separate time lines that at first seemed confusing and with a lack of provided dates to distinguish between the two it took me a little time to get used to.  The first story line follows the story of Mark Zuckerberg beginning in 2003 until a important event that would led to lawsuits, and the second story (presumably) occurs much more recently and takes place solely in a room where lawyers on both parties were present talking about the lawsuit (sorry I am sure this has a technical name but I have no idea of what that is).  The second story line is interwoven with the first often times foreshadowing events, providing commentary, or simply narrating.  Many movies have done this and I think it worked very well; my only complaint was that I wish dates had been provided to help separate the storylines a little better. 

Everybody in the group I was with agreed that it was very well made complete with well written, witty word choice (sorry I had to use alliteration to describe the writing!).  I am a huge fan of movie soundtracks and most of my iPod is John William’s music, so I tend to notice and be bothered by soundtracks more than the average person.  There were certain points when I felt the music simply didn’t fit, mainly the opening scene during the credits.  Another small grip was during the (for lack of a better word) canoe race that whole scene bothered me.  I know how incredibly vague this is but if you go see it I think you will notice something seems odd.  Other than that I really liked the movie and would recommend it to anybody who has any interest in Social Media. 

An interesting side point though was after talking about the movie both my brother (@thenicohohman) and myself really enjoyed the movie, but my brother’s girlfriend (@JKeys23) liked it but found it a little boring.  I found this really interesting considering how she uses Facebook much more than my brother or myself, so my brother inquired as to why she didn’t like it but she couldn’t really explain why other than it made her hate Justin Timberlake.  Here was what I came up with; my brother and I both were expecting more of a documentary where she was just looking for your typical movie.  While this is in no way your typical documentary I would suggest going to see it not expecting an action or drama filled movie, but simply a well made movie that retells real life events.  Again I strongly recommend this movie to anyone with the smallest amount of interest in Facebook, or even in entrepreneurship. 

And now that things have settled down expect more regular content, and a new stop motion video soon!              


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