Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brand New Brand:

Simply put, creating a collaboration of artists and designers can only lead to two main things: a hell of a fun time, and seriously awesome artwork that we can showcase to the world. We provide an open platform where emerging and established artists are given the spotlight to exhibit their amazing artwork. It is a space where a community is able to develop, decide and play a crucial role through its input. Interaction is key. The art is key. The result is fundamentally life changing... as it should be. is all about art and sharing. Our aim is to create a unique collaboration between artists, designers and the members of the community. The best artwork is showcased on a kick-ass platform where everyone has the power to select which ones will go to print.

Our main tool to promote our product is our website, which functions as a retail outlet/webshop, but also as a social community. We give designers the tools to interact, comment on each other's work, and promote their art.

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