Friday, February 27, 2009

More than Psychedelic T Shirts from Symbolika

OK, so I got an email suggesting that I go check out this line of "psychedelic t-shirts" and I must admit ... my first thought was "oh boy, more tie dyed wanna be Grateful Dead T Shirt type junk. I can smell the patchouli oil already" (sorry yoav)

Boy was I wrong! These t-shirts are really, REALLY cool! Beautiful even.

Although the word "psychedelic" was a turn off to me ... and they are definately, um, inspired by kalidescopes and such ... the craftsmanship and artistic nature of these tees can not be ignored.

And printed front and back? Who does that anymore? Kudos, my friends!

For the first time ever, I am really at a loss to describe these t shirts in any way that I feel conveys what exactly they are, so, I have, for the first time ever, been forced to resort to plaguerism. I really hope the folks at don't mind.

In their own words...
"... many of the design elements are based on sacred geometry, tessellation and mandalas with traditional and original symbolism. other designs are inspired from hindu and buddhist myths, yoga, spirituality, Kabbalah, shamanism & music. visionary artists such as alex grey, robert venosa, salvador dali, m.c. escher, pablo amaringo and others are also a source of inspiration."

Quite a mouthful, eh? Well, I couldn't have said it better myself, so I figured I wouldn't even try.

So, if I'm reading this right, they run about 25 Euros each ... so, under $32 USD. (currency conversions aren't my bag). That really is a mere pittance for such a quality item.

Thanks for the heads up.

(and don't forget to click the Win a Free T Shirt" link.)

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More than Psychedelic T Shirts from Symbolika

OK, so I got an email suggesting that I go check out this line of "psychedelic t-shirts" and I must admit ... my first thought was "oh boy, more tie dyed wanna be Grateful Dead T Shirt type junk. I can smell the patchouli oil already" (sorry yoav)

Boy was I wrong! These t-shirts are really, REALLY cool! Beautiful even.

Although the word "psychedelic" was a turn off to me ... and they are definately, um, inspired by kalidescopes and such ... the craftsmanship and artistic nature of these tees can not be ignored.

And printed front and back? Who does that anymore? Kudos, my friends!

For the first time ever, I am really at a loss to describe these t shirts in any way that I feel conveys what exactly they are, so, I have, for the first time ever, been forced to resort to plaguerism. I really hope the folks at don't mind.

In their own words...
"... many of the design elements are based on sacred geometry, tessellation and mandalas with traditional and original symbolism. other designs are inspired from hindu and buddhist myths, yoga, spirituality, Kabbalah, shamanism & music. visionary artists such as alex grey, robert venosa, salvador dali, m.c. escher, pablo amaringo and others are also a source of inspiration."

Quite a mouthful, eh? Well, I couldn't have said it better myself, so I figured I wouldn't even try.

So, if I'm reading this right, they run about 25 Euros each ... so, under $32 USD. (currency conversions aren't my bag). That really is a mere pittance for such a quality item.

Thanks for the heads up.

(and don't forget to click the Win a Free T Shirt" link.)

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More than Psychedelic T Shirts from Symbolika

OK, so I got an email suggesting that I go check out this line of "psychedelic t-shirts" and I must admit ... my first thought was "oh boy, more tie dyed wanna be Grateful Dead T Shirt type junk. I can smell the patchouli oil already" (sorry yoav)

Boy was I wrong! These t-shirts are really, REALLY cool! Beautiful even.

Although the word "psychedelic" was a turn off to me ... and they are definately, um, inspired by kalidescopes and such ... the craftsmanship and artistic nature of these tees can not be ignored.

And printed front and back? Who does that anymore? Kudos, my friends!

For the first time ever, I am really at a loss to describe these t shirts in any way that I feel conveys what exactly they are, so, I have, for the first time ever, been forced to resort to plaguerism. I really hope the folks at don't mind.

In their own words...
"... many of the design elements are based on sacred geometry, tessellation and mandalas with traditional and original symbolism. other designs are inspired from hindu and buddhist myths, yoga, spirituality, Kabbalah, shamanism & music. visionary artists such as alex grey, robert venosa, salvador dali, m.c. escher, pablo amaringo and others are also a source of inspiration."

Quite a mouthful, eh? Well, I couldn't have said it better myself, so I figured I wouldn't even try.

So, if I'm reading this right, they run about 25 Euros each ... so, under $32 USD. (currency conversions aren't my bag). That really is a mere pittance for such a quality item.

Thanks for the heads up.

(and don't forget to click the Win a Free T Shirt" link.)

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Vote Acropolis at Always LAST DAY!

OK, so we got a little friendly rivalry thing going on at Always Urban .com. There are 4 t-shirt design companies looking for bragging rights.

Among them is Acropolis.

Vote Acropolis in the AlwaysUrban Brand Battle

Why did I vote for Acropolis instead of the others? Honestly, I'm not familiar with the others (and I will be back for a much closer look) but Acropolis has been knocking 'em out of the park since day one. Really great design work - but hey, you vote for whoever you want.

I think it stands to note that the Acropolos folks are really cool, helpful people. They have always been good to me - they got some serious points for that.

Go get involved at And don't forget to cruise around. There is a reason they are so proud of the designers that they have teamed up with.

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Vote Acropolis at Always LAST DAY!

OK, so we got a little friendly rivalry thing going on at Always Urban .com. There are 4 t-shirt design companies looking for bragging rights.

Among them is Acropolis.

Vote Acropolis in the AlwaysUrban Brand Battle

Why did I vote for Acropolis instead of the others? Honestly, I'm not familiar with the others (and I will be back for a much closer look) but Acropolis has been knocking 'em out of the park since day one. Really great design work - but hey, you vote for whoever you want.

I think it stands to note that the Acropolos folks are really cool, helpful people. They have always been good to me - they got some serious points for that.

Go get involved at And don't forget to cruise around. There is a reason they are so proud of the designers that they have teamed up with.

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Vote Acropolis at Always LAST DAY!

OK, so we got a little friendly rivalry thing going on at Always Urban .com. There are 4 t-shirt design companies looking for bragging rights.

Among them is Acropolis.

Vote Acropolis in the AlwaysUrban Brand Battle

Why did I vote for Acropolis instead of the others? Honestly, I'm not familiar with the others (and I will be back for a much closer look) but Acropolis has been knocking 'em out of the park since day one. Really great design work - but hey, you vote for whoever you want.

I think it stands to note that the Acropolos folks are really cool, helpful people. They have always been good to me - they got some serious points for that.

Go get involved at And don't forget to cruise around. There is a reason they are so proud of the designers that they have teamed up with.

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Monday, February 23, 2009 Made Me Smile. Funny "Receive Bacon" T Shirt

I spent a good 25 minutes cruising the t shirts site for something to reach out and grab me. Either I'm in a bad mood - or all the sites seem to have a lot of the same tottaly played out stuff.

At minute 25, while at I came across this little number...

It apparently offered me the slightly twisted viewpoint I was craving today.

Incase the print is too small - it says "Push Button, Receive Bacon" - proving once again just how difficult it is to find just the right icon for slightly abstract thoughts like heat.

At $16.95 this bacon t shirt is a keeper.

Labels: , , , , , Made Me Smile. Funny "Receive Bacon" T Shirt

I spent a good 25 minutes cruising the t shirts site for something to reach out and grab me. Either I'm in a bad mood - or all the sites seem to have a lot of the same tottaly played out stuff.

At minute 25, while at I came across this little number...

It apparently offered me the slightly twisted viewpoint I was craving today.

Incase the print is too small - it says "Push Button, Receive Bacon" - proving once again just how difficult it is to find just the right icon for slightly abstract thoughts like heat.

At $16.95 this bacon t shirt is a keeper.

Labels: , , , , , Made Me Smile. Funny "Receive Bacon" T Shirt

I spent a good 25 minutes cruising the t shirts site for something to reach out and grab me. Either I'm in a bad mood - or all the sites seem to have a lot of the same tottaly played out stuff.

At minute 25, while at I came across this little number...

It apparently offered me the slightly twisted viewpoint I was craving today.

Incase the print is too small - it says "Push Button, Receive Bacon" - proving once again just how difficult it is to find just the right icon for slightly abstract thoughts like heat.

At $16.95 this bacon t shirt is a keeper.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Your Average Ramones T Shirt - Johnny Ramone from Vans

Somehow the Ramones have come back into vogue - which is funny - just because by the time I got my first Ramones T shirt (a decade and a half ago) I totally felt like a poser.

Apparently, the rug rats running around with the new Ramones T shirts think it's a new thing. Good for them. I have no problem with today's youth being inspired by songs with only 3 chords. Really. I find it somewhat comforting, not that I can explain it.

********** MORE RAMONES T SHIRTS HERE ********

Anyway, step out of the norm with this really very cook oversize printed Johnny Ramone t shirt. The graphic is huge, but subtle for a washed out look so you can tell your buds it's an original from the 70's.

Grab this Vans Johnny Ramone T Shirt at for a slick $14.99. A bargain.

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Not Your Average Ramones T Shirt - Johnny Ramone from Vans

Somehow the Ramones have come back into vogue - which is funny - just because by the time I got my first Ramones T shirt (a decade and a half ago) I totally felt like a poser.

Apparently, the rug rats running around with the new Ramones T shirts think it's a new thing. Good for them. I have no problem with today's youth being inspired by songs with only 3 chords. Really. I find it somewhat comforting, not that I can explain it.

********** MORE RAMONES T SHIRTS HERE ********

Anyway, step out of the norm with this really very cook oversize printed Johnny Ramone t shirt. The graphic is huge, but subtle for a washed out look so you can tell your buds it's an original from the 70's.

Grab this Vans Johnny Ramone T Shirt at for a slick $14.99. A bargain.

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Not Your Average Ramones T Shirt - Johnny Ramone from Vans

Somehow the Ramones have come back into vogue - which is funny - just because by the time I got my first Ramones T shirt (a decade and a half ago) I totally felt like a poser.

Apparently, the rug rats running around with the new Ramones T shirts think it's a new thing. Good for them. I have no problem with today's youth being inspired by songs with only 3 chords. Really. I find it somewhat comforting, not that I can explain it.

********** MORE RAMONES T SHIRTS HERE ********

Anyway, step out of the norm with this really very cook oversize printed Johnny Ramone t shirt. The graphic is huge, but subtle for a washed out look so you can tell your buds it's an original from the 70's.

Grab this Vans Johnny Ramone T Shirt at for a slick $14.99. A bargain.

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